Addressing the Needs of the 6th District

Kevin Hayes for US Congress

Fighting for a brighter future through effective legislation and community-driven solutions.

Key Issues

Kevin Hayes' Legislative Priorities

Kevin Hayes is committed to tackling the most pressing issues facing the 6th district. His priorities includes working to reduce the National Debt, Following The Constitution, Ending Illegal Immigration, and fighting for our veterans. Kevin believes in transparent governance and is dedicated to representing the voices of all constituents.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Kevin Hayes’ policies and campaign.

What is Kevin Hayes' stance on healthcare?

Kevin believes less government is better.  He will fight to insure goverment  does’nt interfer with your healthcare. 

How does Kevin plan to improve education?

As a member of Congress Kevin will fight to return education where it belongs to the State. 

What are Kevin's economic policies?

Kevin Hayes focuses on creating jobs less government regulations, and less taxes. Kevin will fight for small businesses. 

How will Kevin address environmental concerns?

Kevin belives everyone deserves clean air and water but believes often times Goverment creates more issues then it solves.  Kevin will oppose the Green New Deal. 

What is Kevin's position on abortion?

Kevin will do all he can to end the bloodshed of the pre-born.   Nobody will fight harder then Kevin to abolish the evil of abortion. 

How can I get involved in Kevin's campaign?

You can volunteer, donate, or attend campaign events. Visit my voluneteer page for more details on how to get involved.

Where does Kevin stand on immigration?

Kevin has been to the boarder and he knows what issues we face with the illegal immigration crisis.  We must put a stop to this invasion.  We must defend our boarder.  If someone wants to come here the right way Kevin will do all he can to support them. 

What are Kevin's views on gun control?

Kevin Hayes belives in the 2nd amendment and will fight for the 2nd amendment.  In 2020 Kevin was the only 4 star rated candidate by GRNC for US Senate and will fight against unconstitional red flag gun laws. 

How does Kevin plan to support veterans?

Kevin Hayes is dedicated to improving healthcare and job opportunities for veterans, as well as ensuring they receive the benefits they deserve.  No Veteran should ever be homeless. 

Endorsements from Our Community

I’ve seen firsthand how Kevin Hayes listens to the concerns of our community and takes action. He has my vote.

Wayne Jones

As a small business owner, I appreciate Kevin Hayes’ dedication to creating a thriving local economy. His policies will help businesses like mine grow and succeed. He has my full endorsement.

Walter Smith

Small Business owner

Get Involved with Kevin Hayes' Campaign

Help us make a difference in our community. Volunteer, donate, or sign up for updates to stay informed about Kevin Hayes’ campaign and key issues. Together, we can create positive change.